Whenever someone asks
Kendi how old she is and they find out that she just turned five they always ask her if she'll be starting Kindergarten. I've had to train
Kendi to tell them that she will be starting h
ome school instead.
It's hard to think of all the things she will miss from Public School. Public School was actually a really good thing for me and I'm torn when I think about how much I liked it as a kid and that my kids won't have some of the same experiences. I have to remind myself about all the reasons why we've decided to home school our kids instead.
There are many reason's why we've decided to home school. I don't like to ruffle feathers, so when people think they need to tell me all reasons why I shouldn't home school I just listen and try to keep the conversation positive. It's hard not to offend people because by telling them why we want to home school is like saying we don't like what they are doing with their kids. I don't feel like people are doing wrong things by putting their kids in Public School it's just not the decision we've made. I'm still not 100% sure Home Schooling is going to work out for us and at some point our kids will be old enough to decide for themselves.
One of the first things that people often bring up is the lack of social interaction my kids will have. I have a myriad of answers for people who worry about socialization. First of all, I don't worry about what other people think. We only worry about what God thinks. If my kids become social misfits, I hope that it will be because they uphold their values instead of conforming to the poor standards that are becoming socially acceptable among young kids these days. Also, we are very involved in our religion and they have a very strong youth program. My kids will also be very involved in interacting with a variety of people, not just ones their age. I want them to be comfortable with the elderly and the disabled and be confident and respectful around adults.
I know that I can't completely protect my kids from the evils of this world, but I'd like to think that I did everything that I could to prepared them to stay "unspotted from the world." To be "in the world, but not of the world."